Tin Tức

Hosting an international sporting event - advantage or disadvantage for the hosting country

Writing task 2: Hosting an international sporting event - advantage or disadvantage for the hosting country

A global sporting event has long been a grand occasion for every participant, especially for the nation which holds chief responsibility of operating that event annually. While there is some controversy that such an event would bring certain disadvantages for the hosting country, I believe the advantages would outweigh the drawbacks. In this essay, I shall analyze both sides of the argument to explain my point of view.


Among the hesitations for operating such an event, one big disadvantage is related to the nation’s budget. It might be strained in certain instances if officials waste exorbitant amounts of money organizing and carrying out the sports events. These activities could include building stadiums, enhancing the sports infrastructure, or spending more on sports facilities. Besides, the increase in visitors flooding every corner of the hosting city, particularly the city center, could create heavy traffic congestion and major inconvenience for the local people. For example, during the football tournament in Toronto, Canada in 2022, millions of people have come to this city, causing absolute paralysis of the traffic for a whole 6 hours, making most people unable to commute to work or even get out of their houses.  


However, I strongly believe that hosting a sports event could bring several impacts on a country. First, hosting an international event can attract foreign investors and significantly enhance the country's tourism sector. The influx of international visitors not only stimulates economic activity through increased foreign exchange but also encourages investment and job creation. Additionally, first-time visitors often explore various tourist destinations within the country, contributing further to economic growth. For instance, South Africa welcomed over 300,000 million international tourists during the World Cup, resulting in an estimated 837 million USD in tourism income. Second, hosting a global sporting event provides an opportunity to strengthen relationships among participating nations. The shared experience of organizing and participating in these events can result in lasting connections between countries, transcending political differences as well as promoting peace. 


In conclusion, while hosting an international event might put a strain on the nation’s budget or heavy traffic jams, the benefits that it brings such as fostering economic growth and strengthening relationships among countries could offset those drawbacks, making every hosting event of a country become a memorable occasion for both the country and the citizens.

(384 words)


Vocabulary list:

1. Chief responsibility (n): trách nhiệm chính

2. Controversy (n): tranh cãi

3. Strain (n): áp lực / put a strain on sth (v): tạo áp lực

4. Exorbitant amount (n): số lượng rất lớn

5. Paralysis of the traffic (n): tê liệt hệ thống giao thông

6. The influx of visitors (n): sự đổ dồn của khách du lịch

7. Offset (v): bù lại
