Tin Tức

In some countries, many children are becoming overweight and unhealthy. Some people say it is the responsibility of governments to solve this problem. To what extent do you agree or disagree

Given the vast variety of food choices available to children nowadays, it is easier for a child to become overweight now than it has ever been before, the dangers of which are often insufficiently made known to these children as well as their parents. Addressing this issue would require no less than the concerted efforts of both parents as well as the government, with the former regulating the behaviour of the child in question while the latter regulate the availability of information pertaining to the issue at hand, thereby educating the public on what the phenomenon is and how to deal with it.

The diet of children below a certain age is more or less under the complete control of their parents or guardians, the fact of which proves that the responsibility of ensuring a child is not overweight and unhealthy lies more with their parents than with any other entity, though this tends to be less true as the child grows up. A child can only do so much when it comes to educating themselves on which food item is healthy for them and which is not, not to mention exercising self-control when it comes to food. Parents and guardians who are directly involved in the day-to-day happenings of the child’s life are, more than anyone, responsible for ensuring their child does not make food choices that would damage their own wellbeing, the concept of which likely being something too advanced for a child to even understand. Furthermore, parents and guardians are the only one in a position where they can put in the effort to make good food for their children, thereby discouraging them from choosing unhealthy snacks, among other junk food items.

Having said that, the governing body of a country also undoubtedly plays an important role in directing the opinion of the people. While the specific responsibility of raising a healthy child still falls on parents, the same could not be said of educating or informing the masses of the dangers and health complications associated with being overweight as a child. The government has a responsibility to properly equip its people with the information needed for them to make an informed choice, thereby reducing the risk of unsuspecting children becoming overweight due to an unhealthy diet being forced upon them by their parents or guardians.

To care for younger generations of a country should not rest upon the shoulders of any single party. Rather, we as adults should all take part in ensuring our children are cared for as well as humanly possible, and that includes educating ourselves as parents and adequately informing the public as the government.


Concerted (adj): Kết hợp
Regulate (v): Kiểm soát
Pertaining to: Liên quan đến
Phenomenon (n): Hiện tượng
Well-being: Sự an yên
Unsuspecting (adj): Không ngờ đến
