Tin Tức

Some people believe that manufacturers should move to untouched regions to exploit natural sources, such as oil and natural gas. Do you agree that the disadvantages outweight the advantages

The planet we live on has fortunately been endowed with natural resources, allowing the successful habitation of humankind, yet in recent decades it seems like we have done everything we could to bite back at the hand that feeds. In the name of production, we have devastated all natural landscapes, overexploited our resources, and perhaps our biggest crime of all is the fact that we have remained business as usual despite continued calls for climate actions by environmental preservation organisations. Suggesting that manufacturers move to untouched regions would not do us much good in the long run for a number of reasons including the finite nature of the resources we intend to continue to exploit, the fact that the effects of land corrosion can never be isolated to any one area, and the implications of allowing manufacturers to continue doing what they have been

In the short-term, moving manufacturers may yield some positive results in terms of quality of life for those who have been living in close proximity to manufacturing sites. It may also allow the natural landscapes of surrounding areas to recover in the time that its main polluter is absent. However, this does little to solve the issue of natural resources, given the fact that most of these resources are not renewable by any means. One may go as far as to argue that untouched regions, provided that there is any left, should remain that way as a fail-safe mechanism in the events of natural disasters occurring in currently inhabited regions as a result of the very manufacturing that we are trying to move.

Another argument for this movement is that manufacturers should congregate in a separate plot of land to isolate the negative effects of manufacturing plants, to which one would counterargue by saying that isolating environmental effects is impossible in the first place. Given the fact that we live on the same planet, substances that are industrial byproducts when carelessly released into the environment are bound to be absorbed by the land itself, causing a cascade of events that ultimately would lead to the worsening of climate change and global warming regardless. Furthermore, it is important that we do not give business owners grounds to further justify their already environmentally destructive practices by arguing that their manufacturing plants are far from residential areas and therefore incapable of causing damage.

Repelling the effects of global warming and climate change would require no less than the concerted efforts of all parties involved, but most importantly that of business owners. To even suggest that moving plants away from civilisation would solve our problem is not only short-sighted but also extremely ignorant. The advantages of such a movement would only be felt for but a moment, before the consequences are felt by everyone on Earth once more after having already spent enormous logistical resources, including said natural resources themselves, to complete the relocation.


Endowed with: Có nhiều một phẩm chất, chất lượng nào đó
Habitation (n): Sự cư trú
Devastate (v): Tàn phá
Overexploit (v): Khai thác quá mức
Climate (n): Khí hậu
Corrosion (n): Sự ăn mòn
Isolate (v): Cô lập
Implication (n): Hàm ý
Proximity (n): Ở gần
Fail-safe mechanism: Cơ chế phòng nguy
Congregate (v): Tập trung
Byproduct (n): Sản phẩm phụ
Substance (n): Chất
Absorb (v): Hấp thụ
Cascade (n): Chuỗi (sự kiện)
