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Some people think that newspapers are the best way to get news. However, others believe that they can get news better through another media platform. Discuss both views and give your opinion

Back in the days, newspapers were not just the best way to get news, they were the only way to get news. Not every household could afford a television or a radio, so newspapers and community bulletin boards were about as good as getting news got. However, with the rise of modern Internet came the emergence of certainly more news sites and social media platforms than one could count on both hands. Given the fact of which, as well as the fact that devices to view these sites are so common nowadays, and the sheer convenience of viewing news this way, it is all but inevitable that newspapers has become so overshadowed as a method of viewing the news in modern times. That being said, many an old-timer still prefer newspapers as their method of choice in terms of viewing the news, and there are good reasons for this as will be discussed below.

In the most literal sense, news today is just a click of a button away, provided that you own a device that lets you view it, thanks to cell service and wireless coverage. The reporting of news has also grown tremendously compared to the way things were back then, owing to the tireless and at times courageous efforts of news anchors and individual reporters and journalists, who work in tandem with news outlets that operate round the clock to bring us the ‘freshest scoop’, or so it is often called. The widespread and instantaneous availability is also the indirect result of competition in the journalism industry, which itself is testament to just how many news outlets there are out there.
Viewing news on digital media also provides another advantage that, to many, is why they choose to look at a screen for their news after having already spent most of their day working on one. That advantage lies in the fact that the existence of digital media and modern Internet allows major events to be covered live as they are happening, an edge that traditional newspaper could never hope to compete against.

Traditional newspapers are defined as selected pieces of news that are worth headlining printed on paper and physically delivered to viewers by means of purchase at a grocery store or other means. As is the nature of all objects, traditional newspapers are static, unchanging once they have been printed, meaning that the accuracy of such printed pieces of information is only valid at the time of writing, which is why there is such a strict rule requiring journalists to adhere to facts and only facts when writing these, though that is not to say otherwise would be excused in the realm of digital news. In terms of timeliness, it often takes an entire day for the news itself to arrive at the viewer starting from the occurrence of the event, which in this day and age may be too late for many, due to the sheer logistical inefficiency of the method when compared to digital news. Convenience is
also a consideration when it comes to choosing between the two methods, given the fact that you would have to go out to buy a copy of physical newspaper as opposed to being able to view the news from the comfort of your own room. Traditional newspapers have also been condemned as a needless contributor to environmental issues, given how digital news already exists. To that end, it is only natural why traditional newspapers have declined in popularity. That being said, to many, these printed copies are still preferred for a number of reasons. Many find it exhausting to view news on their devices given how disconnected they make them feel from reality, which is an irrefutable truth that has long been associated with using devices. Furthermore, not many digital readers would know the answer to the question “what to read” when asked, given the sheer volume of news available
online, not to mention the lack of regulation in terms of accuracy when it comes to the numerous digital news outlets. Traditional newspapers cover one’s bases thanks to the fact that only credible and well-regulated outlets get to print their findings in the first place, allowing viewers to rest easy in knowing that the content they are reading has not only been verified, it has also been curated for the average viewer, allowing them to save the time of having to ‘doom scroll’, though this is not to undermine the value of the breadth of experiences brought about by digital news.

Traditional newspapers and digital news are, at the end of the day, means to the same end. True to the fact that traditional newspapers have seen a severe decline in numbers, but this does not mean one has to prevail over the other. Viewers should choose what fits their lifestyle best based on their experiences so long as they are able to find a credible source of news, something often considered to be a difficult task when one goes digital.
